Monday, May 16, 2011

And Now There are Two

It's hard to believe that two years have passed already!

Yesterday afternoon, The Niece moved out (heading on to university) and The Hayleys are back to a family of two (four, if you could two spoiled-think-they're-people furbabies) for the first time since August 21, 2009.

And as all student moves go, this one was not free from the last minute delay in getting ready.

But, as all student moves go, it's shocking how a whole life can be packed and in the back of a pickup truck within three hours.

It will be an adjustment for everyone in the Hayley House for sure, but we'll eventually get used to being Niece-less. But right now, even the furbabies are missing her.

I guess it's back to our wild partying, trash the house, invite all the wrong sort of people over lifestyle...ha! We only do that in October.

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