Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm Cold!

We had a major rainstorm this week (finally) that shifted the weather from boiling hot to moderately bearable (finally). As relieved as I was to have cooler weather, it always seems difficult to get the inside temperature in the house balanced correctly.

My temporary solution was to throw on a loose wrap to keep my shoulders warm while The Boy and I ate dinner.

As I walked into the living room with my wrap on, he asked: Why do you have that on?

Me: I'm cold!

Him: It's not cold.

Me: I didn't say "it," I said "I." I'm cold.

Him: Why are you cold?

Me: Why am I cold? Can't I be cold if I want to be?

Him: Why would you want to be cold?

Him: See how I just defeated you with logic?

What a clever boy.

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