Sunday, March 13, 2011

It's Official: I've Lost My Mind

{That title is a cue for my family to shout: What mine? Spenawampum mine! Don't try to's from a play and it would take me too long to explain.}

Anyway, on to my actual post. By the time you read this I will be off for a long run, early on a Sunday morning, because I like to run.

Scratch that. I don't really like to run. Better to say that I like the way I look after having gone for a run. Well, not really how I look right after having gone for a run - I'm pretty red and sweaty. What I like is how my body looks and feels because I stay in shape by running.

Whew. That was pretty (unnecessarily) long and drawn out, wasn't it?

I'm off on a long run this morning because I'm training for a race - a pretty big race, in fact. I've apparently lost my mind because I signed up to run a full marathon.

That's right! You can find me for somewhere between five and six hours as I run, huff, puff, and definitely walk to finish the Big D Marathon on April 10th.

Of course, this is one of my 101 list items. {Insanity.} Then I thought I'd run a marathon to raise money so The Boy and I can take a trip to x-country this year. I even made a logo for our efforts:

Pretty spiffy, eh?

But I couldn't really get my act together (no surprise there), so I shelved the idea of running to raise money and decided to simply focus on running to finish the race.

It's a gamble, but I feel fairly confident that I'll manage to cross the finish line. And since I don't care how long it takes me, it's a pretty safe bet.

Don't think you won't see that logo again...we still want to travel to x-country and it will cost somewhere between $6000-7000 for the two of us to go. If I don't die on April 10th, I may decide to run another marathon as a fundraiser!


  1. Since this was posted on Sunday morning, I hope you're not still out on your long Saturday morning run.

  2. That's called - I planned to run yesterday and ran today before church instead.

    Funny man. No wonder you and The Boy are best friends.
