Wednesday, May 11, 2011

And There Was Much Rejoicing

I have just finished a HUGE 101 List item - watching all of the movies in the AFI's 10 Top 10 List.

{Note to self: the next time I put together a 101 list, think about having the movies each be one item. Then I'd already be done with this crazy project.}

Needless to say, I've been working on this one for quite a while. I just didn't blog as I went. But here are my thoughts post-gargantuan watch party:

  1. The only category that I'd seen every single movie before starting the project was Animation. Go figure.
  2. Least favorite category: Sports
  3. Most favorite category: Courtroom Drama
  4. Most thought-provoking movie: Judgment at Nuremberg
  5. Movie I'd avoided forever and discovered that I liked: Kramer vs. Kramer
  6. Movie I'd rather poke my eye out with a stick than watch again: A Clockwork Orange

And that's, as they say, a wrap!

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