Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Rules

Everyone has a routine, and The Hayleys are no exception.

When we get home (together, usually, as we normally carpool), we change out of work clothes, file the day's paperwork and unpack empty lunch sacks - putting dirty dishes into the dishwasher.

At least, that's usually the routine.

I was in the middle of filing paperwork when I heard The Boy exclaim, Oh! There are clean dishes in the dishwasher!

Yes, I said. And I'm glad you discovered that. It means you can unload the dishwasher.

** Silence **

I guess that's the way it works, a distant voice called. But you can't ask a man who isn't in the kitchen anymore to unload the dishwasher. Those are the rules.

And sure enough, when I glanced into the kitchen, this was the only thing there:

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