Friday, May 27, 2011

She's So Quiet...That's So Weird!

Yes, I'm quiet and I know that's an odd thing. But there's a reason, really.

I was temporarily stuck in Atlanta earlier this week, thanks to the hailstorm that damaged a significant number of planes in Dallas. Given the choice between riding in a dinged-up dangerous plane or stay over longer in Atlanta, I certainly preferred the latter. And thanks to the airlines (and the FAA), I didn't have much of a choice in the matter.

But...throw one large delay in your life and there's bound to be a trickle-down effect.
  • Late coming home? Late to do laundry.
  • Late to do laundry? Late to pack for another trip.
  • Late to pack? Late to leave.
  • Late to leave? No time to blog.
So there you have it. I'm late.

And if you know me, that's not really a surprise.

But here's something that is a surprise: I'm going to stay off-line for a majority of the holiday weekend. I'll fill you in on all of the fun stuff that's going to transpire after it transpires.

I can hardly wait!

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