Thursday, May 5, 2011

Warning: The Boy's On 'Roids

Danger. Danger. Danger.

The Boy has poison ivy - and he has it bad. It's on his hands and his face...he's pretty much miserable. Despite having poison ivy since Saturday, it took until Wednesday for me to convince him to go to the doctor for medication.

It's not like this is the first time he's had to go to the doctor for poison ivy. {Though he claims he can't remember ever going before - I clearly remember that he has, twice SINCE we've been married. And no, I'm not frustrated. At.All.}

So, off to the doctor he went yesterday - and came home with a prescription for steroids. The crazy thing about steroids is that it sends him into his own special version of Roid Rage. I think it's special because he's already half-crazy, so the steroids don't have to do much to send him off-kilter.

While on steroids for pleurisy, The Boy wasn't able to sleep. No sleep, lots of energy, bug-eyed wildness ensued.

I pity all who will be around him - mostly me - for the next 10 days of his treatment.

Consider yourself warned.


  1. Sorry about that poison ivy! That's terrible....I know....I had it one time and looked like I had leprosy. Meds only thing to cure it.

  2. The meds do appear to be working - the swelling has gone done already AND he was able to sleep last night. We're hoping for the best for the remainder of the treatment.
