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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Feeling Poorly

Over the weekend, The Boy said, I'm hot. And off he headed to change from jammie pants into shorts. A few minutes later, he swapped his long sleeved t-shirt for a short sleeved version.

Odd, since it was only 30F. (Actually it wasn't 30F in the Hayley House, just outside, but it certainly was quite cool in the house as well.)

Then he started moaning. And shifting about - generally complaining about a dull aching (sharp at times) pain in his left arm and shoulder blade.

That's when I got concerned. 

Me: Should we go to the emergency room?

Him: No.

** A few minutes of googling symptoms later **

Me: Do you think you're having a heart attack?

Him: I just ran 18 miles yesterday.

Me: Don't you think that could be a reason you might be having a heart attack?

Him: I am not having a heart attack. I think I maybe have a pinched nerve.

So the poor guy spent the rest of the day sitting at the breakfast table with his left arm immobilized and a heat pack on the tender spot.

This is The Boy's Don't take my photo I feel bad! glare.

Monday he woke up and said, I think I just slept wrong. I'm feeling a bit better.

Then he went to work and started feeling much worse. So much worse that his boss encouraged him to go to the doctor. He listened to her and made an appointment.

{Insert aggravated foot stomp that The Boy will listen to his boss and not to me.}

After a round of tests, the doctor determined that The Boy wasn't having a heart attack (though he does have to go in for a stress test tomorrow), he didn't have a pinched nerve and he hadn't slept wrong.

He has pleurisy. Apparently, there's some sort of something going around right now that close to immediately develops into pleurisy. And The Boy just had to follow the crowd...

The Boy came home with steroids and a big case of Pity Me.

Which I do, because I love him and I know he's experiencing a great deal of pain.

But wouldn't you agree that it's a bit pathetic to beg me to make his favorite Pie Crust Cinnamon Roll because he feels poorly and it might help?


  1. That looks DIVINE! I am trying your pie recipe to make homemade pop-tarts ... wish me luck. I really stink at pie crusts.

  2. You can't mess mine up - its simple math.

    And if I say math is simple, you know it has to be.

  3. I MADE A PIE CRUST!!! WAHOO!!!!! Actually, I turned it into pop-tarts but it really was simple and it tastes AWESOME. There is hope for me yet.
