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Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Gift

The other day, a friend mentioned that I find neat images/photos to put on my blog.

What can I say? I have the Gift of Google.

It's the truth.

When The Boy was looking for a new job, I googled "mission agency, Dallas, accounting, job" and up popped his current position. He applied for it, interviewed the next day and was hired two days later.

No one could ever get the search string to pop that particular result - and believe me, people at his office tried after he told them how he'd found the position.

Gift...good luck...whatever. I'll take it!


  1. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?

  2. ARTHUR: A blessing!
    LANCELOT: A blessing from the Lord!
    GALAHAD: God be praised!

  3. @boa - exactly!

    @john - just what I was thinking!
