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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Listening to the White Noise

I love November 5th.

No more frantic last-minute pitches. No more doomsday music-filled ads.

The election is over. Americans have spoken and soon we'll be able to sort out truth in action from campaign fiction. Quite frankly, it's time for all of us to move on to the business of working and living.

It's almost as if we turned on a giant white noise machine, and I think it's long overdue.

By the way...

Our bipartisan party last night was exactly what it promised to be: a fun bipartisan gathering. We had Hillary supporters, Obama supporters, Ron Paul supporters, McCain supporters and conscientious objectors. Everyone talked about the issues. No one fought. Everyone listened and learned. Why can't our elected leaders do the same?

1 comment:

  1. 1. LOVE the day after elections.
    2. I am so glad you had a great party. I was working until 9:30pm that night to avoid the party goers because people were getting stupid here.
