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Saturday, December 20, 2008

If I Only Had

5 extra minutes: I would check my email.

10 extra minutes: I would read the Wall Street Journal.

15 extra minutes: I would catch up on filing.

20 extra minutes: I would do a little house cleaning.

25 extra minutes: I would start reading the latest Real Simple

30 extra minutes: I would think about organizing my scrapbook to-do pile.

45 extra minutes: I would watch a tv show that is stuck on our DVR.

1 extra hour: I would take a luxuriously hot bath and listen to the iPod.

What would you do with a little extra time?


  1. finish Ted Dekker's Black and the Inferno. Granted, I'd need a few hours for each... Five minutes here and there will have to do, I guess.

  2. I'd drive to Plano and give you guys a great big hug, because I really miss you today.

  3. Oooh - reading. Wouldn't it be fabulous to have time to read everything that's in the "To Be Read" stack?

  4. John - we miss you, too!! And we decided today to run the New Year's 5 Miler. Come to town!
