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Thursday, January 8, 2009

This Is Odd

I had the weirdest day at the gym. Make that a weird day in general.

I'm not kidding - and believe it or not, I'm not bragging either: Everywhere I went, people I know told me that I "look great" and that I've "really lost a lot of weight."


Though it seems that the men in my life are able to lose 30 lbs overnight by merely deciding that they need to go on a diet, the last time I checked it takes a very long time for a woman to lose weight.

Did people forget what I looked like over the holidays?

Did the bulge I've been battling declare a strategic retreat?

I don't know, and I don't care. I'm happy to receive the compliments and it gives me the inner strength I need to Just Say No to Sprinkles Cupcakes in the office kitchen.

My only prayer is that this isn't a case of history repeating itself. When I was much younger, someone (who shall remain unidentified) asked someone I know (who shall also remain unidentified) who was looking great:

Are you losing weight or just buying bigger pants?


  1. Maybe it's all of that hard work paying off. Keep up the good work.

  2. Excellent advice. As we know, running burns calories, which leads to further progress.
