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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm a Very Sad Girl

Last Thursday, I was a maniac trying to prepare for an all-day Friday business trip and weekend out of town. As I ran around the office to snap photos of the Valentine's Day bags, I rounded a corner and...for reasons still unexplainable to me...dropped my digital camera.

I wasn't wearing the wrist strap. The camera wasn't turned off. In fact, the camera landed (as these things tend to do when the unimaginable happens) face-down, lens extended, on the floor.

My wonderful camera, a 2008 Christmas present from Marathon Man, is well and truly broken. The lens won't extend. The lens won't retract. The screen won't come on. The camera doesn't boot up.

And I am very bummed out.

There was a great photo opportunity on my business trip:

Welcome to Bringle Lake!
Caution: Alligators in lake.

We had our annual Valentine's dinner at the Stillwater Inn in Jefferson, Texas, with our best couple friends. We all looked fantastic. Unfortunately, there's no photographic record.

Monday we signed our final offer on our new home. No photo to commemorate the event. Bummer!!

The worst part of this situation was having to tell Kelly that I'd dropped the camera. You see, this was - unfortunately for me - not the first time I've dropped a digital camera, face-down. I did the same thing with our digital Rebel while we were sitting on a bus in Jamaica. Don't ask how I was able to drop a camera while sitting down - these things happen.

I drug myself home Thursday evening, gathered a bit of courage and broke the news to Kelly.

S: I have bad news.

K: Hmmm. What is it?

S: You know my favorite camera? The one I use all the time?

K: Yes. I gave it to you. You said it was the best Christmas gift ever.

S: (gulp) Well...I had an accident at work. I dropped it.

K: You dropped it, huh? It was an accident, huh?

S: I was walking, I tripped and I dropped it. It's broken.

K: Let me see. You dropped your camera while walking.
You dropped our Rebel while sitting.
Basically, it doesn't matter if you're moving or sitting still.

S: I'm really upset about it. I loved that camera.
I need a new camera.

K: You don't need a new camera.
You need a bouncy toy.


  1. Better idea -

  2. I resemble that remark!!!

    This made me laugh...

  3. Man, I hate the fact I had to work this morning and couldn't comment first. That is the camera we bought Jayme a year ago ... well it wasn't waterproof at that time though.
