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Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm Shocked

I have to confess that I'm very surprised I have to go to work today.

After all, I live in Texas and today is a holy grail of holidays: it's Texas Independence Day, the anniversary of the adoption of its Declaration of Independence at Washington-on-the-Brazos in 1836.

Growing up in the Midwest, I've always thought Texans were full of a bit of swagger. Big talk, big hair and big trucks. 

Now that I live here, I can say unequivocally that all of that is true. But one other thing has to be added to that list: Texans have big hearts.

There's a reason, I believe, that Davy Crockett said "You may all go to Hell, and I will go to Texas." He knew that the people of Texas would welcome him as one of their own.

And that's the truth. Once you move here, the native-borns embark on a great campaign to brainwash you regarding the greatness of their state. Don't believe me? Visit this link to see but a few of the facts that any native Texan is happy to recite at the drop of a 10-gallon hat!

They'll also feed you wonderful Tex-Mex and homestyle Southern food, gladly offer to "carry you" somewhere if you're without a vehicle, open their homes and their wallets and, in general, love the stuffin' out of you

It turns out that after nearly a decade here, I really like Texas, too!


  1. It just so happens that we're glad you're here.

  2. *squeezes Shannah until said stuffin' appears*

