Only we've already moved.
We've actually been in the Hayley House since May 7th. A variety of issues spurred a faster move - we were sick of checking mail at two locations, we started experiencing terrible service from TimeWarner (really...3 weeks without tv or internet??) and Kelly's office was severely damaged during a storm, affording him a day and a half to focus on moving.
But we thought it might be fun to surprise our friends, hosting them as our first official house guests, rather than weekend laborers. They're here now. (SURPRISE!!!)
The move also caught some other members of our household by surprise. Ben and Bridget took the gradual disappearance of "their" things from the apartment relatively well.
That is, until we took their food and water bowls, toys and litter box. Then suddenly things were Not Ok At All.
Miraculously we were able to shove them into carriers (with no arterial damage inflicted upon us) and get to the house in one piece. They, actually, should consider themselves fortunate - the non-stop caterwauling from the backseat nearly drove us both mad on the 5 min drive from one place to the other.
At the Hayley House, Bridget immediately hopped out and explored the entire house. Ben, however, sat in his carrier - with the door open - and cried for nearly 20 minutes.
Ridiculous. And overly dramatic, if you ask us.
Dramatic would be Ben's theme for the next 5 (yes five) days. He hid under the upstairs guest bed until we locked him out of the room to force him into family time. He sat outside the guest room and cried at the locked door at all hours of the night. He refused to eat. He refused to drink. Most shocking of all, he even refused to eat treats.
He finally got over it and now seems to like the house. He's discovered there's room to stretch out, found new places to hide and jump on Bridget and, thank goodness, he realized that Mom and Dad remembered to bring the treats when we moved.
As for Bridget - she's loved the house since she arrived. Stairs!!! (Just like home in the UK!) Birdies!!! Bunnies!!! As far as she's concerned, this is the Best House Ever.
We think so, too.
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