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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How Ironic

I'm wanting to take off a bit of much-needed time tomorrow to focus on cleaning and clearing at the new Hayley Home. I've worked so much overtime lately that you'd think this wouldn't be a problem.

Yet it is.

Apparently, prospects don't realize that I have personal things pressing for my attention. Deadlines keep appearing and I'm beginning to feel more than half-crazed trying to keep track of it all.

I just glanced over at my Don't Sweat the Small Stuff daily calendar and noted that it was proudly telling me that today was "Monday, May 4th." Ummm...I may not know the date, but I certainly know that today is Wednesday.

So I pulled off the out-of-date pages and glanced at today's words of wisdom:

Try to do one thing at a time.

Now that's just ironic.


  1. Ironically, I was just asked this week if I wanted to go ahead and name my ulcer now. I guess the other option is to wait until delivery ....
