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Saturday, July 11, 2009

Going to the Farm

A friend introduced Kelly to the Farm Town application on Facebook the other week. So now I'm married to Farmer Kelly Bob.

Tonight he said: You know, if you were on Farm Town, we could be neighbors.

I said: Forget it. I'm not playing. And besides, why do I need to be your neighbor? I'm already your wife.

His explanation: If you were my neighbor, I'd be closer to having 10 neighbors so I can do more things in the game.

While he was out mowing our real-world grass, I joined Farm Town, sending him a message along the lines of: Won't you be my neighbor?

Boy, is he happy.

The next thing I know, I'm knee-deep in farm activities: plowing, planting and (gasp) offering to hire out for migrant farm labor.

The only problem is that I'm absolutely rubbish at plowing. Planting and harvesting are point-and-click time-consuming, but plowing a new field takes a bit of finesse.

Anyone who knows me well knows that:
  1. I have no finesse and
  2. The only significant time I've spent on a farm is when I was sent to one to "de-citify" me. To this day, my mom still says, Do I need to send you to the farm?
It's a problem and I definitely have a lot to learn.

Case in point: take a look at my initial attempts to plow a straight row.


  1. guess who is going to get an invitation!!!

    What is it that Njari said about facebook? Oh yeah, he won't join the cult. lol. The more I think of the statement, the more I giggle

  2. That is too funny. I never would have taken you for a farm girl.

  3. I know! Who would have thought?
