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Friday, August 7, 2009

I Got an E-Card!

How can you tell the recession is finally getting to folks? When you can laugh about it. Better yet, send an e-card!

I love e-cards! I usually only receive them when it's my birthday or I'm having a bad day. However, yesterday I got one just because.

Just because the person who sent it thought there was a lot of truth in this card!! (By the way, it's not about me...)

Too funny! Then I laughed even more when this one appeared in my inbox:

Hey - if there wasn't something to laugh about at work, we'd probably all be stark raving mad by now.


  1. Just because you have something to laugh about doesn't mean you're not already stark raving mad. The two don't have to be mutually exclusive.

  2. Ah yes, wise grasshopper. Good point!

    I did have a minor head explosion yesterday. I'll have to fill you later about that...
