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Monday, March 8, 2010

101 Things: Thing 1

We're already a week into March and it's high time I started my 101 Things list.

Thinking of what I've wanted to do has been infinitely more difficult than I expected. The essence of a 101 Things list is to identify things you've never done before - but wanted to, or things that you've thought of doing but simply haven't gotten around to doing yet.

In truth, I've lived my life by a version of this philosophy. When living and/or visiting somewhere, I try to keep in mind that I might not ever be in that place again. I often make lists of things to do with a timeline to do them.

So, I find that I've already done many of the things that I might otherwise put on a 101 Things list. Things like:
  • Climb a mountain (I've climbed two - Mt Kenya and Mt Kilimanjaro)
  • Attend an NBA Finals game
  • Attend an NBA All-Star game
  • Visit Stonehenge
  • Tour Ellis Island
  • Hike in the Grand Canyon
I could go on.

But I'm still in my 30s (barely, but I'm hanging on yet!) and I still have a lot of living to do. So my list is a mixture of things that I can realistically do in the next 1001 days, things I've always wanted to do and things that it would be fun to do once, like:
  • Hike in the Palo Duro Canyon
  • Attend a cello performance
  • Experience PT for the first time
  • Go to a Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues
  • Travel to X country with The Boy
  • {I'm gonna keep this one private}
  • Take a cooking class
  • A bunch of other things that I'm not going to take time to list right now and
  • Try threading
Yes, threading. It's an ancient type of hair removal, using twisted threads that pluck hairs quickly and (somewhat) painlessly. You can read all of the details here.

I'd heard it was a fast and inexpensive way to have your eyebrows shaped. Since I needed something off-ball to start my 101 List, I figured threading fit the bill perfectly.

I stopped in at a place called Justringz at a local mall. Inexpensive it was: just $10 to shape my eyebrows. Quick it was: 10 minutes start to finish. Painless: ummm....not so much. It wasn't as painful as waxing, but it wasn't without lots of sharp mini-painful moments.

I even had a bit of LES (Leaky Eye Syndrome) through the stinging.

All in all, would I do it again? Sure - and not just because I was trying to do some crazy off-ball list thing.

Full disclosure: Not my eye.
If this was me, my eye would be red-rimmed from a major case of LES.

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