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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I'm Just Asking

On the way to work, we hit a bump and my coffee spilled a little. You might say it was the drop that burst my bucket.

Me: ARGH!!! My coffee just spilled!!!

Him: It's just a little spill - no big deal.

Me: It is a big deal. The car is a mess. It needs to be cleaned.

Him: Don't sweat the small stuff, Love. Cleaning the car is a quick weekend project.

Me: Cleaning the car is only one of many small stuff's that need doing. Laundry, ironing, cleaning the house, watering the yard...adding them all together, you'll see that we don't really have small stuff - we have a big stack of stuff.

Him: It's ok. Don't worry about it. We'll get these things done when we get them done.

Me: I am right at the point where I can't handle one more thing. Not.One.More.Thing.

Him: Are you having a rant?

Me: {Silence}

Him: Because I think you're turning into a whiner and I just want to be prepared if a rant is about to come.

Sigh. He really knows how to ruin my rants - I can't rant and laugh at the same time.


  1. And the signs of true love!! As much as it irritates me, I love it when DH put a kabosh (sp?) on my temper fits by making me laugh.

  2. Sometimes it's very healthy to rant, though.
