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Monday, June 7, 2010

Quick Change-A-Roo

We've had a problem in the downstairs half-bath: no one can find the light switch.

I wonder if the pattern-matched switch plate had any role to play?

While it is amusing to listen to folks fumbling around, it seemed long-past time to upgrade the situation. A $9 bronze switch plate and the Hayley House screwdriver, plus about 5 minutes to unscrew, remove, replace, and screw back in, was all it took to give the bathroom a much more modern look.

Plus it is a lot easier to see the switch plate!

I wanted to put in a motion detecting switch, but The Boy vetoed that idea. He noted that both furbabies have figured out how to open the bathroom door.

Ben, in particular, has a need to check the bathroom every evening. He opens the door, goes inside, then cries when the door shuts behind him and he's in the dark. He then opens the door and runs back in to sit next to The Boy. He does this Every Evening. He's neurotic...but that's another post.

Like I said, The Boy said NO to a motion detecting switch, fearing the light would be on all the time. Now I'm contemplating putting in an illuminated switch to serve as a way-finder.

But that's another project for another day.


  1. As a guest who has often struggled to find that darned light, I approve. ;)
