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Friday, July 23, 2010

End of an Era

On my way from Point A to Point B, I needed to pick up a few things at the grocery store. It turns out that the closest store on my route was the Hayley's first grocery store - talk about being in my (very) old stomping grounds. I hadn't shopped at that store in nearly 10 years!

I had been to the area more recently than that, however, because my hair salon was located in the shopping center as well. I started going there just before The Boy and I got married - even returning to the chair after we moved back to the States.

Over the years, I've thought about breaking up with my stylist. She still did a great job, but I felt like it was time for a change. I'd leave her for a month or two, then come crawling back. It was a comfortable relationship: nothing exciting, nothing unexpected, nothing new to talk about but nothing to complain about either.

Until recently. Her schedule changed and my schedule changed, making it really tough to connect. It was time. I broke up and finally, we've stayed broken up.

So imagine my surprise when I stopped by the grocery store and glanced over to see my former salon empty as can be:

Surely I wasn't the last customer? I'd hate to think that my three-month absence is what drove them out of business!

Even though I've moved on to sharper shears elsewhere, I still feel a little sad about the loss of my former salon. It's the end of a Hayley Hair Era.

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