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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby It's Cold Outside

And in news from ever-unpredictable-weather-Texas, we've gone from 73F on Saturday to thunder-ice storms and temps in the teens on Tuesday.

I think I should start driving with layers stored in my car, just in case there's a midday thermal shift. You never know.

Anyway, early early this morning the sound of thunder woke me up, accompanied by the sound of ice hitting the Hayley House windows. Several hours of this and it's official: North Texas is iced in.

School closures, mass transit closures, airport closures - even the interstate is closed in places. So The Boy, The Niece and are busy with our respective work (spreadsheets, piano practice and research) here at the Hayley House. We're mixing our work with liberal doses of hot coffee, hot Tex-Mex and hot brownies.

And let me say, a day of work while in jammies, with kitties and comfort food, is super relaxing.

Good thing, too, because something tells me that facing the still icy roads to drive to the office tomorrow will be anything but relaxing.

1 comment:

  1. I'm at the office. I'm NOT having a good day. In fact, I'm not even having a mediocre day. The rest of the week doesn't look too bright, either.
