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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

BEing in 2012: BE Intentional

I don't know about you, but I'm really tired of being tired. A down economy and family stress have led to a serious case of crazy brain and sleepless nights.

I'm over it.

This year, I plan to Be Intentional in how I use my time.
  1. Over the New Year's weekend, The Boy and I sat with our best friends and scheduled vacations and get-togethers for the year. Those dates aren't penciled in - they're in pen. Downtime with close friends is important.
  2. We've made a commitment to set our computers aside earlier in the evenings, taking more time for family time. This downtime, together (with a furbaby or two thrown in), is a key part of helping us relax before bedtime.
  3. We've agreed that it's important to know when to say yes and when to say no. What is good to do isn't always what's best. Saying no to certain good things over the Christmas season was so helpful to our sanity and time management that we plan to continue the practice.
What are you doing to Be Intentional in 2012?


  1. Get seven to eight hours of sleep per night.

  2. Ohhh....that would be lovely. I should try that, too!
