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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cotton Bowl

As I mentioned in yesterday's post, we took my parents to the Cotton Bowl last week. We had lots and lots of fun, even though we didn't win the game.

But this post isn't about all of the people that were there.

Nor is about the purple overload that surrounded us during the K-State pep rally.

Nor the crazy ways people found to wear purple.

It's not about the band.

Or the cheerleaders.

Or the football-field length flag...though that was pretty impressive.

No, this post is about making sure you get a family photo at the game.

To get a proper family photo at a bowl game you need to:
  1. State your desire to have said photo made before the game begins.
  2. Ask when you're going to have said photo made at least twice during the first and second quarters.
  3. Worry aloud about whether or not you'll get said photo made at all.
  4. Remind everyone that you want to have said photo made before halftime starts.
  5. Worry aloud again.
  6. Get impatient that no one is paying attention to you when you state, ask, worry and remind.
  7. Shoot "Mom Dagger Eyes" at daughters who roll their eyes.
  8. Select a willing stranger to take said photo towards the end of halftime.
  9. Tell your family - in a not very nice way - that it's time to take said photo.
  10. Wait for 25 million people to walk in front of you, around you and into you while seemingly oblivious to your attempt to pose for said photo.
  11. Pose for said photo - then realize you are missing two men that are part of the family. Wait again.
  12. Nearly give up in frustration when the camera times out and shuts off because no one can pose in a timely manner.
  13. Shoot "Mom Dagger Eyes" when family members complain about the length of time it's taking to have said photo made.
  14. Smile for the sixteenth time for the family photo.
  15. Urge daughter to check and make sure the photo turned out well before returning to your seat.
And when she checks the digital record, you discover this is your family photo:

Ah, those Arkansas football fans. They're real jokers.

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