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Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I think there are times in everyone's life where you wrestle with strong things:
  • I'm not smart/good/pretty/fit enough.
  • I'm marginal at what I do.
  • I don't have enough time to do what I want to do, let alone what I need to do.
  • I feel taken advantage of.
  • My focus is split between the unimportant, the ok and the best.
  • The people that I think should be supportive seem to not care.
  • Why hasn't x-y-z that I want so desperately happened yet?
  • Why are some people so hateful regarding x-y-z?
This is one of those times...for both The Boy and I.

I suppose it's inevitable to have these periods in life, though usually it doesn't hit us both at the same time. So that's kind of stinky. And the truth is that it's probably not as dark and overwhelming as it seems. Often we (that's the Royal We) can become trapped in dramas of our making.

Probably the equation for this life season looks something like:

Huge demands ----> lack of time ----> low emotional resources

Can we acknowledge that even while you can recite God's promises to yourself, make lists and think positively, it is ok (and normal) to go through these seasons of sadness and discontent? And it's ok to want to sit in a dark hidey place for just a little while?

After all, it won't always be this way. It just is sometimes.


  1. I am praying for you today, and I love you, my friend. *squish*

  2. This too shall pass. Just keep your faith and hold those you love near to you.

  3. Thanks, Stacie. Just had a moment of overwhelmed. Realizing how healthy it is to cry out once in a while.

    (Me? Not invincible? INCONCEIVABLE!!!!)

  4. Thank you, Aunt Sheryl. It's so easy to lose focus on the important things because of the distractions of temporary things.
