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Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Bits and Pieces

On my mind and in my life this morning...

I feel pretty successful for getting two coats of paint on the front door this weekend. It will probably take another 1-2 coats to even out the color. To be honest, it's a bit more yellow in tone than I anticipated but (so far) I still like it.

The Boy and I also put away all of the hoses and sprinklers over the weekend. We agreed that we're terrible about watering the lawn and can't wait to have the money saved up to put in an underground automated system.

We also noticed that we have a ton (a TON) of determined yellow jackets hanging around the guest bedroom windows. I'm actively researching ways to 1) kill them without getting stung hanging out of the window and 2) how to make them permanently relocate. We killed their nest a couple of months ago, so it's a puzzle why they keep hanging around...

I cried all the way through worship yesterday. The Boy, after saying he can't take me anywhere without me making a scene, thinks that I'm experiencing an emotional release of being back in our long-time home church - and wanting to be there.

It's very awkward sitting next to a stranger on a train who insists on pressing his leg and foot against yours. Just saying - there's a time for closeness and this really isn't it.

We've started watching the new "Beauty and the Beast" tv show. It's really really good - and I was prepared to hate it.

I sliced and froze a dozen lemons this weekend. I also bought our Christmas turkey.

(I did say this was random...)

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