We returned home late Saturday after spending a wonderful evening at J's home, enjoying a Secret Supper Club. What a wonderful experience.
From the exquisite cooking to the fantastic company, we had an all-around wonderful evening. I must admit, the evening started with a bit of mystery. We were to drive into to a never-before Hayley visited part of the metroplex, down a quiet residential street, where we gathered with nearly 40 strangers to eat a meal that we only knew featured locally-sourced foods and celebrated Texas Springtime.
Sounds like fun, doesn't it? We thought so. And with lives very full of meetings, gyms, financial coaching, client phone calls and Hayley new-home to-dos, it seemed like a perfect excuse to once again be the Daring And Adventurous Hayleys that we used to be.
I could wax rhapsodic about the food - it truly was delightful - or the setting - fairy lights all around.
But the best part of the evening was making new friends. Kelly announced early on as we were making introductions: I can only be responsible for the immediate radius of three around me.
A woman on the outer edge of that ring said: Hey! I'm offended.
So we definitely met, and remembered, our new friend, Debbie the Offended, along with Cathy, Clare, Emily and Ken. There were many others, whose stories we remember though we might not be crystal-clear on their names.
But who cares anyway?
We arrived at 7:30, asking: And what brought you here?
We left at 11:00, having shared a meal and exchanged cards, saying: It was so nice to spend an evening with you. I hope we do it again soon!
Is it any wonder that so many of the wonderful events in Scripture take place around the table? Or that our most significant holidays (worldwide, in fact) are celebrated with a meal? Our host, J, is correct: Food Creates Community.
So thank you once again, J, for sharing your home and talents with us!
** For more details on the menu, please visit their blog posting about the event.
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