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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A Very Hayley Housewarming

We've been debating when to hold the Hayley Housewarming. At first thought, we said June - before vacation. That slid to July - after vacation. Then on to August - when there's energy and budget.

But this weekend, after hiking around outside for a few hours, I suggested that we wait until mid-October. It's just too blame hot outside right now to even think about having a party.

I want people to mingle inside and outside the house. I don't want them to feel like they are baking outside and having to run inside for relief.

Never fear, though. Delaying the party has only given me more time to think about what our party will include!!! Here's what's on my mind:

Plenty of cold drinks:

And a signature drink of some sort for party guests to enjoy:

My beloved will arm the grill for an assortment of easy-fixins:

And I definitely want fairy lights to brighten up the evening:

Maybe we'll even sit outside to eat:

If I can find someone willing to loan me their patio firepit, I'm definitely putting s'mores on the menu:

And, of course, there will be plenty of my favorite glow sticks to light the way back to the car!


  1. give me a good heads up so I can request off. lol I don't know that Jer would be up for a road trip just for an open house though. lol

  2. You can't lose planning on an October Fest. Weather is always nice then.
