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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I Don't Think That's What You Think It Is

The other night, The Boy and I went for a jog. He's been injured (bummer for a Marathon Man!) and has had to take it very slow and easy.

In other words, he's forced to run my pace!

It was cold...cold enough that I accused him of trying to kill me. His response?

They say that near-death experiences can bring you closer.
Just think of how strong our marriage will be after this run!

Very funny.

By the time we turned onto our street, it was full-on dark, allowing us a nice view of our neighbors' holiday light displays.

We critiqued and admired - and took some notes for what we might want to do next year. As we got close to our house, I turned to The Boy and said:

You know, there are some really great displays.
But I just don't understand our neighbor's inflatable turkey.
It's Christmas, not Thanksgiving!

The Boy stopped and looked at the inflatable, then at me, and said:

Shannah - the inflatable has a sign on it that says, "It's a Girl!"
That's not a Christmas Turkey. It's a stork.



  1. You forgot the picture to accompany the 'Whatever'.

  2. Decided to leave that classic photo off. :)

  3. Kelly says we're all crazy, that it's obviously a stork.

    I would like to say that he didn't think it was so obvious until he read the sign that it was holding...
