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Friday, December 4, 2009

It Depends on What Your Definition of Is Is

The cold and brrr-chilliness continues in North Texas. Raised to keep the house slightly cool in the winter and slightly warm in the summer, like any good Kansas girl ought, makes for a shock to the system when crawling under the covers in the evening.

While we do have a thick downy comforter, it takes a while for those old sheets to warm up. I am cold-natured. The Boy is warm-natured. I prefer to battle the Cold Bed Blues by snuggling up.

(Clear your heads! This isn't that kind of post!!)

So last night, I snuggled up and he said: Your side of the bed is never going to get warm. You have to lay on it to get it warm.

Me: That's hardly a loving and giving thing to say.

Him: Really? I'm giving you good advice.
