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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Boy Made Me Laugh

Ok, so this actually happened on Friday but I'm just now finding time to jot it down...

Friday morning, we got up with the alarm at 5 a.m., as usual. I headed to the kitchen to make coffee.

A few minutes later, I heard a rattling of bags and turned to see The Boy, dressed in his running gear. He was fiddling with his new Garmin 405 and had a stack of running supplies next to him.

Are you going for a run this morning? I asked.

I'm going to run with the guys, he replied. (I might add: there was a touch of "duh, Shannah!" in his response.)

I looked at him and said, You know today is Friday, right? Your group runs on Saturday.

The Boy just looked at me.

Then he picked up his stuff and headed back to the bedroom to get ready for work.

A couple of minutes later, he stuck his head around the bedroom door said:

I just have to say,
I am very disappointed.


  1. In my minds eye, I can clearly see that exchange. Ha!

  2. Disappointed? Why? Because you reminded him of the day OR because it wasn't Friday.

  3. These are very good questions...probably a bit of both.
