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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How Many?

All is not what you think. Apparently, the New York Times, bastion of the English language, writes above the comprehension level of some of its readers. As a result, the paper has integrated an instant dictionary feature for online readers to reference words that they don't know.

The following link takes you to a list of the top 50 words looked up by readers:

Quite frankly, I was appalled by the list. Several of the words are part of my common vocabulary. I define "common vocabulary" as "words that I don't pull out to knock your socks off or put you in your place"!

So I wonder - how many of the words on the list are part of your common vocabulary?

Thanks to my friend, Lynne, for posting this link on her Facebook page!


  1. honestly ... none. But that shouldn't surprise you too much.

  2. actually, I do know a couple words ... overhaul is one I use regularly. A couple I have heard of but don't know what they mean. I am just not as well schooled as others. lol
