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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Do You Want Me to Cry?

Anyone in my family will tell you that I have a thing for goodbye kisses.

Don't get the wrong idea! I don't want a kiss goodbye from just anybody. Really - could you imagine that? Walking around, kissing everyone I meet goodbye!?!

Ridiculous. And interesting...I digress.

When I was a little girl, my parents dropped me off at daycare and didn't kiss me goodbye. I sat outside and cried on the doorstep until they looped around the block and returned to give me a kiss.

{Don't ask them to share this story. They don't remember the details correctly. Honestly.}

Goodbye kisses are serious business with me.

So the other day, I dropped The Boy off at his office (are we eco-friendly folks or what?) and waited for my goodbye kiss. The Boy merely grabbed his things and headed out of the car.

I hollered at him and said: Hey! I need a kiss!

He just looked at me.

When I started sulking, he said, No one wants to kiss a face like that.

I'll sit here and cry until you come back downstairs and kiss me goodbye, I warned him.

Fine, he replied. You sit there and cry. Eventually the security guard will call me and say 'Hey, dude, your wife is sitting outside crying.' Then you know what I'll say?

You'd better go kiss her!

What a mean Boy!!


In the interest of full disclosure, I should note that after we both stopped laughing, he came back to the car and gave me a goodbye kiss.


  1. After all these years, if I'd only known.

  2. Like I said, I don't kiss just *anybody*. The Boy is the prime target of my affections! :)

  3. oh, BURN!!

    *btw, I am a ONE car family. We save about $130/mo*

    And now I know where my son got that gene. I blame YOU!
