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Monday, July 19, 2010

Your Opinion, Please

After watching mud and leaves being tracked in once too often, I decided it was time to add a small area rug to the doorway in our foyer.

I've been looking around for the perfect rug for quite a while but couldn't find one that fit my style or my budget. Then I got the latest flyer from World Market. The bamboo area rugs caught my eye:

But at $25, it was pushing the top end of what I was willing to pay for an area rug. I got to thinking that what I really liked about the rug was the use of complimentary colors within a bold pattern.

I stopped in at HomeGoods and found this:

Muted colors? Check. Bold pattern? Price - $7. GIGANTIC check!

Now it's at home in our foyer. However, you'll notice I haven't taken the price tag off yet:

When I initially measured my foyer, I noted that I either needed a 2'x3' area rug or a 4'x6' area rug for the doorway.

The fun new rug from HomeGoods is 20"x32" - fairly close to a 2'x3'. But looking at it in context in the foyer, I'm wondering if a larger rug is a better choice.

What think you, dear readers? Stick with what I have or return it and look for something closer to a 4'x6'?


  1. Personal opinion only - I believe a slightly larger rug would look better. Why not try one .... leave the price tag on .... The smaller rug looks fine though.

  2. I think slightly larger would be preferable, since the rug doesn't quite reach both sides of the doorframe. The foyer rug kind of overpowers it. Not to a large degree, though. I am not sure I would have noticed if you hadn't pointed it out, and overall I think it looks nice. It's a very cute rug!

  3. The overwhelming opinion - here, on facebook and in my heart - is to return this gem for a larger rug. Off to HomeGoods I go!!

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