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Friday, October 1, 2010

A Moment of Honesty

I can't tell you how often people tell me that they're jealous of how put together I am.
  • Oh, Shannah - you're just so organized.
  • I don't know how you do it! Your life is pulled together.
  • You just stay on top of everything - blogging, marketing, teaching, volunteering, crafting and cooking from scratch.
Here's a secret: IT'S NOT TRUE.

Yes, I do have a lot going on and I do, somehow, usually manage to get it all pulled together in the knick of time for a deadline or party or a free weekend here and there.

But most of the time, all of the stuff is sitting in piles of things to work on.

For example, right now the Hayley House looks like:
Laundry needs folding.

Recycling overfloweth.

1. Table needs old screw removed and top reattached.
2. Stand midway through refurbishing.
3. Chairs awaiting completed table.

1. Top for breakfast room table...
2. Desk covered with equipment that will move to stand.
3. Chair with seat to recover.

We're just a mess around here these days. But I'm sure we'll have it pulled together in time for the annual Hayley House party in a few weeks!


  1. And if not, party games could include paint brushes, clothes folding races, hammers, and screw drivers .... don't you think everyone would have a great time?

  2. Why didn't I think of that earlier?!? Could have saved myself a lot of work...
