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Friday, October 29, 2010

The Right Kind of Help

One of our bathroom sinks has been running slow - the legacy of older plumbing that hasn't been maintained well. I cleaned it out (yet again) the other day.

The Boy noted, while washing his hands, that the sink still ran slow.

Me: That's because the stopper is broken. We need to do a minor repair job.

The Boy: I see. Another minor repair job.

Me: It's not a problem. It's not like we have to figure out how to do it. I know someone who's great at fixing things who will be coming to stay for a few days in November!!

{Long pause.}

The Boy: The Great Pumpkin?

Me: NO!!!!! My dad!


  1. I heard that last line coming way before I finished reading your post.

  2. Only need a bucket and some paper towels. Oh, then the rest of the room empty of two legged spectators.

  3. Two legged or four legged? They're both eager to help...
