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Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Good Run

The Boy and I - finally enjoying a free Saturday morning - ran the Dallas Jogg'r Egg Nogg'r yesterday.

And gosh, did we ever have a great run! The mug above proves it. Look at the other side:

The Boy brought home the mug - he finished 5th in his age group, with a time of 1:12:00 for his 15k run.

I didn't have a shabby run either, with a 33:32 for my 5k run. That's a 10:48/mile pace. I'm getting scarily close to my goal of running a sub-10-minute mile.

Now that's what I call a successful Saturday!


  1. Congrats to you both. Shannah, you'll get that sub-10 soon. Are you doing any track repeats/intervals or tempo runs? Those can really help boost your speed.

  2. I haven't started speed work of any sort. My goal right now is to complete a full marathon...targeting mid-March for that. Next, faster miles.

  3. Wow - I'm impressed! You're fast enough to run away from yo ma ma now ... (see Mary Jo Hawkinson comment on FB) ....
