Last night was our small group Bible study meeting night (we meet every other week). By the time I got home (late) from work, I just wanted a bit of time to sit and talk with The Boy - decompressing before we went to spend time with our friends.
At 6:40, I told The Boy that we needed to head on to small group because we were supposed to arrive by 6:30. So we hopped in the car and headed off.
You can imagine our surprise when we walked in, expecting to make apologies for being horribly late, to find we were the first people there.
What's going on? The Boy asked our hosts. Has everyone had a busy day?
No, they replied. You're the first ones here. It's not even 7 and group doesn't start until 7:15.
The Boy just looked at me. I know what he was thinking - this had to be the first.time.ever that we arrived early because I had the time wrong.
Oh well! That's what happens when you have a crazy schedule.
Hey! Sounds like me last night. I told Jeremy sewing started at 6pm so he needed to get going. They got there at 6:20pm and were surprised to see that they were early. I re-opened my email and discovered the class started at 6:30pm. oh well, better early than way late, right?