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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Who would have thought I could be so productive while doing so little?

This weekend was all about getting rest. Well, there was that 18-mile run on Saturday. But other than that, it was all about rest. Really.

Some of it was forced rest - the body's way of saying that it needed time to heal and recuperate. {Remarkably, I feel pretty good for a girl who ran 18 miles. Just a touch of soreness in my hips!} A lot of it was simply necessity combined with an empty schedule.

The Boy and I went out for sushi buffet. We watched a lot of Lie To Me. We played meaningless computer games. We drank wassil. We watched huge snowflakes fall.

We just did a lot of nothing.

But here's the weird thing: That rest not only helped my body resync after my run, but it helped my mind resync as well.

I finally figured out how to tackle my mountain of neglected scrapbooking. I had an organized plan for attacking a hectic deadline at work. And I don't feel stressed.

Here's to going slower!