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Monday, March 7, 2011

Job Titles {aka - having a bit of fun}

My company is privately held, governed by our shareholders. The shareholders elect officers for the various leadership roles.

Blah-blah-blah, I know. But there's a point to this backgrounder.

At the office holiday party, the new slate of officers was announced which gave me an opportunity to rib our new president a little. I just made off-hand comments like, "I serve at the pleasure of the president," and "Whatever you say, Mr. President," and so on. I also told him that I was going to start calling his wife (who is one of the nicest people ever) "First Lady."

Knowing her - and her sense of humor - fairly well, I couldn't resist taking advantage of Vistaprint's super-cheap deals on business cards. I mocked up a business card for our new First Lady:

Mr. President laughed when I handed him the cards - I'm sure he thinks I'm nuts. But since we've worked together for almost twelve years, he should know that about me by now.

Anyway, I received a very sweet note from our First Lady thanking me for her business cards and offering me the role as her Press Secretary. How could I turn that down?

And then I came to work to find:

A close-up of the note:

My creativity pales in comparison to the First Lady's - which is why I'm the Press Secretary!

Sometimes work is just too much fun.


  1. I am personally acquainted with the First Lady and must say that you must be very special to be her Press Secretary. JRF

  2. So kind of you to say! But I'll share something you already know - she's a special woman and I'm blessed to know her.
