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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Too True

The Boy and I have been subbing as needed in our church's children's ministry this summer. After all, everyone goes on vacation in the summer - including the regular children's ministry teachers.

The Boy went the safe route, volunteering to supervise during the grade schoolers' freeplay sessions. Though it's been many years since I last taught little ones, I offered to fill in wherever needed in the nursery and pre-K area.

And wherever needed really did mean "wherever." After a fun - but exhausting - first week of subbing, the  coordinator told me that I'd done well teaching my group of twelve 2-and-3-year-olds.

Oh? I said. That's good. They were a handful, but fun.

I'm sure, she replied. You had three groups that normally aren't combined into one class: the 2's, the 3's, and the hyper.


But all was fine and good until the other week when I received an email asking both Hayleys to teach the 4's and 5's. I asked if they meant to include The Boy, who hadn't volunteered to take care of little ones that, well, little.

They did mean both of us - and after checking with The Boy - we said yes.

Despite his agreement, The Boy looked pretty apprehensive as we headed back to the pre-K area of the children's building.

Don't worry! I said. The kids are a lot of fun, cute as can be, and it's only an hour.

Yeah, only an hour, The Boy replied. Do you know how many wars have been lost in only an hour?

{He survived. And had a great time calling me Ms. Shannah the whole time.}