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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bridget Does Not Approve

Early last month I read a tweet from a local reporter about kittens he was trying to rehome. He set up a live camera feed of the kittens, hoping to entice furball lovers to take a kitten home.

Needless to say, we were captivated by the kittencam  (snippets of their antics can be seen here).

We almost ended up with one of them (we'd already named him Yoda). Thankfully, for Ben and Bridget's sakes, he'd already been claimed by the time I broke down an emailed the reporter.

And by thankfully for Ben and Bridget's sakes, I do mean thankfully. While The Boy and I would laugh and enjoy the kittens' antics, Ben and Bridget did not approve.

Just look at that glare!!!

1 comment:

  1. Psh, glare? Nothing new here. Move along.
