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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Mr. Sandman

The Hayleys are busy with work and thoughts of a new house, accompanied by its ever-increasing to-do list. We need rest and a good night's sleep.

There's just one problem: We can't sleep.

We've tried it all. No caffeine after 2 pm, listening to restful music, back rubs, watching a movie with the lights off, going to bed early, going to bed late, petting the kitties, counting sheep...all to no avail.

Kelly vacillates from giddily happy to walking zombie. I'm on the edge. I dare you to look at me cross-eyed; I'm sure I'll burst out crying.

Mr. Sandman, I don't really care if you bring me a dream. I'll settle for some deep, uninterrupted sleep.


  1. That's a real bummer. I can relate. I haven't been sleeping well these last few days. You might consider something like Tylenol PM for a few nights.
