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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Do You Want to Go Shopping?

After waking up {much too} early this morning and going for {somewhat} long runs, The Boy looked at me and said:

Do you want to go shopping for a new flatscreen television?
After all, we have an open house party coming up...

You tell me: What woman wouldn't want to go shopping, particularly if her husband suggests the trip?

So off we went. Five stores in total - price checking, purchasing, returning things we changed our mind on (gosh it's hard to find the right media stand!) and shuttling back and forth in order to carry too-large purchases home in our family sedan.

As The Boy said mid-trip:

It's a good thing that things stay the same.
I mean, I'd hate with all of this new-fangled technology
to think that you might be able to make one purchase
and get everything you need. Or get the right cables
without a clerk mentioning off-hand that XYZ was
critical for system operation.

I thought it was remarkable that, amidst our multitude of trips, we didn't have a single fight. I even stayed out of the way during assembly and installation, because of our family principle:

We can put things together, but
We can't put things together together.

End result: lovely new flat screen on a gorgeous new media cabinet. All the better for watching football!

And because all home improvement projects lead to new home improvement projects, I'm now on a mission for appropriate decorating pieces to balance that side of the living room.

I'm sure that last bit just thrills my accountant boy to no end!

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