So far, so good. Lots of handwashing and vitamins, plenty of healthy eating, exercise and rest. We're doing everything right.
Until this past weekend.
The Niece went home this weekend to visit The Boyfriend. Young leads you to do romantic and crazy things.
Romantic, of course, is wanting to see each other all the time. (Ahh - I remember what that was like!)
Crazy, however, is going home where a sick sibling resides to visit a Boyfriend, who is also sick. Neither had the flu, at least, but both are walking germ-spreaders of the current respiratory infection.
We said: Wash your hands! No cuddling! Don't get sick!!
The Niece said: I won't get sick! I feel fine.
Sunday evening when she returned to the Hayley House, we asked her how the weekend went.
She replied - in a scratchy voice - It went fine.
Oh no.
I may not have rugrats, but I do have a medicine box. I planted The Niece on the stairs and gave her:
- NyQuil caplets
- NyQuil caplets
- Cepacol cough drops
- Kleenex with lotion
- Hand sanitizer
- Quarantine instructions: Wash Your Hands Frequently! Don't Breathe On Us!
So far, so good. She's sounds awful, but neither of us is sick...yet.

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